
The world’s first diversity & non-traditional skateboard media platform & print publication, focusing on social issues, DIY and fringe projects.


Editor-in-Chief, Co-Founder


Issue 1’s cover feature: ‘Leo Baker’
Issue 6: ‘Elsewhere’

“The world’s first skateboarding magazine that isn’t about skateboarding”

Project Description

From 2014 to 2020, I grew (alongside co-founder Moch Simos, photo-editor Sam McGuire, and a network of incredible athletes, writers, photographers and videographers) this magazine into the world’s first diversity-focused skateboarding magazine

Skateboarding as a subculture has always attracted outcasts. But as the sport gained popularity, what was once an exclusive culture became somewhat exclusionary. A new wave was ready to drive it forward. SKATEISM was born. A platform for the underground & overlooked. The skateboarding magazine not about skateboarding. An interrogation of identity, diversity, politics and art, using a simple “toy” as the vehicle for discussion.

As editor-in-chief, I managed and directed all content for both the online and print editions of Skateism. Over the 6 year period of growth, we hired a team of writers and worked with a global network of freelancers to produce some of the most original content skateboarding had seen.I was able to direct a number of creative assets during my time at Skateism, including exhibitions, tour-films and docu-shorts.

Alongside Art Director and co-founder, Moch Simos, Skateism’s creative language became recognisable across the international skateboarding industry. In 2020, with Skateism reaching its sixth issue, 10,000 print circulation, global distribution, and commercial collaborations with the likes of Nike, Vans, Adidas and Netflix’s Sex Education, among others, I stepped away from Skateism to focus on more stand-alone productions within the skate industry.


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